Articles on: Rever Integrations

Microsoft Office Add-Ins

Microsoft Office Add-Ins

Discover what you can do combining Microsoft Powerpoint and Excel with Rever

We understand that obtaining and manipulating Rever data within familiar programs like Excel and PowerPoint from Microsoft Office is crucial for you. With Excel & Powerpoint add-ins, you are able to import Rever information directly into these platforms, granting access to both raw data and editable content.

PowerPoint Add-In

Your content, your way. Bring your ideas to PowerPoint with just one click

Use the Rever PowerPoint Add-In to transfer the essential information of your Rev in a summary presentation; you can edit it and share it among your collaborators and colleagues quickly and easily.


Search for your ideas and refine your results by applying filters
Turn your ideas into editable text
Personalize your information on every slide

Information you can transfer:

Rev type (Quick Action, Improvement Idea, or Problem Solving)
Rev name
Dates: Completion date, Implementation date, Impact Validation date
Creation date
Pictures of the Rev (pictures of the Problem and Solution added)
Impact (How did you estimate the benefits?)
Total Validated Impact

How to install it?

It works in the same way as other Add-Ins that you have used before; you must have PowerPoint installed on your computer and follow these steps:

Open a new PowerPoint project
Select the "Insert" tab from the main menu
Choose "Get Add-Ins" > "Store"
Search for "Rever Score" and add it
A new column will appear on the right side of your project
Log in from PowerPoint in Rever by clicking on "Log in" with your account

How does it work?

Once you're logged in, you can customize filters to fit your needs (Rev type, status, validation, location tags, categories, assignees, and date) to find the Revs you want to import
The Revs that appear by default are the Revs created on your Site
Find and select your Rev (one by one), click on "Import," and it will be imported to the sheet where you are positioned
If you want to add more than one Rev, please open a new slide every time you want to import a Rev
The add-in main language is English (the data captured in the Rev remains in the captured language)

Pro tip:
* You can add as many sheets as you think necessary to add more Revs to your project
* Find any created Rev easily with the search bar
* Every Rev imported will be separated by sheets of your project
* All the data can be edited to fit your needs
* Edit the information imported to fit your needs

Take a look at what your slide would look like with the imported Rev information:

Excel Add-In

Your data, your way. Customize your reports effortlessly with Excel integration.

Maximize your data experience and transfer all the data captured in your organization within Rever. Choose and customize all the captured content with all the available options or customize it with those that fit your needs.


Choose the content you want to import
Personalize each category by adding or removing phases and their associated content
Refine your results by applying filters such as location or specific dates

How does it work?

With Rever Excel Add-In, you can choose and customize the data you need, all in a single report.

Select the data you want to import from the filters available. The content type is mandatory; you can personalize the rest of the information with the available data as optional
Your Site is selected by default, please remove or change it to fit your needs
Once you select the information to download, all that data will start to transfer into your Excel project
The download time process will depend on how long or short your report is, and a progress bar will appear, indicating the percentage of how the data is downloaded
If you interrupt the process by canceling it, keep in mind that the information will be transferred to where you stopped the download
Once the download process has finished, a brief summary with the total number of imported items will be indicated, and you can start with a new download
The report will be separated into different columns by type of content since they contain all the tabs with specific information for each
Every time you start a new import process a new tab will be added to the same Excel project
The main language of the information is English (the data captured in the Rev remains in the captured language)

Information available to download:

Content type: Improvement Idea, Quick Action, Problem Solving, Routines, and Findings
Status: Open, In progress, Completed, On Hold, Canceled
Validations: Not implemented, Implemented, Impact not validated, Validated impact
Location and tags: Site, Site Groups, Country, Tags, Tags Groups
Creation date
Due date

Take a look at what your project would look like with the data selected:

How to install it?

It works in the same way as other Add-Ins that you have used before; you must have Excel installed on your computer and follow these steps:

Open a new Excel project
Select the "Insert" tab from the main menu
Choose "Get Add-Ins" > "Store"
Search for "Rever Score" and add it
A new column will appear on the right side of your project
Log in from PowerPoint in Rever by clicking on "Log in" with your account

Updated on: 15/11/2024

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