Organization Settings
Organization Settings
Exclusive section for the administrators of the Organization
The Org Admin role allows you to configure options at the Rever structure level. Here are the settings you can configure by accessing the Organization Settings section in your profile on the Web:
Organization structure
Situations Types
Impact Metrics
API Keys

Set the Organization name and the logo (for the Web and Mobile app) that appear on your instance of the Rever platform. You can also select the default language.
Please note, each user can change their default language in their personal accounts.

Organization structure

As Org admin, you can manage the structure of your organization with full access; create, edit, and disable Sites, Site Groups, Tags, and Tag Groups depending on your needs from the "Organization structure" option.
Sites: It's a tag type that belongs to a specific plant, e.g. Carlsbad
Site Groups: It is the name given to the group of specific sites belonging to a group; a Site can belong to one or more site groups depending on the structure of your organization, e.g. America
Tags: Tags refer to the label of each area, department, activity, function, etc. of the organization; these tags can be across the entire organization and can be used at any site, e.g. Line 1
Tags groups: You can create groups of tags that specifically belong to an area or family, e.g. Production
Manage the organizational structure
Choose the type of structure you want to create
Click on the plus "+" button
- Sites: Give a name of the Site, select the country where belongs, language, currency, and timezone, and enable it.
- Site Group: Name the site group and save it. Once the site group is created, please click on the pencil icon and select all the sites to which it will belong.
- Tag: Name the tag and create it.
- Tag Group: Create the tag group name. Once the tag group is created, please click on the pencil icon and select all the tags to which it will belong.
You can always edit your structure by clicking on the pencil icon
- If you want to edit any Site by the Categories or Situation types, please click on the engine icon.
You can always create site groups or tag groups by selecting them; a new option "Group" will be populated to create the new group.
Search any results with the search bar to get your tags
Show the information in the table on the columns you want to see
Access to each Site's Settings for their configuration. You can edit the Site name, default language, the currency available, and also, the time zone. Add or edit any objective, categories, and situation types that should be able.
Check this article for more details:
If you want to add or delete a Site, please get in touch with support.

Personalize the Categories of your organization, and enable or disable options, but remember, if you disable a Category or Situation type, your site administrators will no longer see the Category or Situation Type as an option.

Situation Types
Select all the Situation Types to be able for all the Sites.

Impact Metrics
As an Organization, you can enable/disable the different Impact metrics from the settings section, making them available for the rest of the users in the platform. There are two types of metrics, Reduction, and Increment.
If you activate any of the below Impact Metrics will be able for all Sites on the entire Organization.
Metrics that represent a reduction of a certain type of impact.
Cost Avoidance - Intangible benefit from a project. “Soft savings”
Cost Reduction - Tangible benefit from a project. “Hard savings”
Time Saving - Time benefit obtained by implementing the project
Changeover - Period of time saved from when the last product rolls off the line to when the next run begins
Complaints - Number/quantity of complaints
Defective Product - Weight or quantity of defective product
Energy Consumption - All the energy used to perform an action, manufacture something or inhabit a building
Energy and Line Stops
Gas Consumption- The rate at which an engine uses fuel, expressed in units such as miles per gallon or liters per kilometer
MTTR (Mean time to repair) - A maintenance metric that measures the average time required to troubleshoot and repair failed equipment
Raw Material - The basic material from which a product is made
Recalls - A request for the return of a product with a fault
Reprocess - Process again or differently, typically in order to reuse it
Safety Accidents - An event that results in injury or ill health
Safety Incidents - Any event that has caused an injury to a person, property, or environment, or a Near Miss
Scrap- a small - Piece or amount of something, especially one that is left over after the greater part has been used
TCIR (Total case incident rate) - The number of work-related injuries per 100 full-time workers during a one-year period
Waste - Any substance discarded after primary use, or is worthless, defective, and of no use
Water Consumption - The portion of water use that is not returned to the original water source after being withdrawn
Metrics that represent an increase in a certain type of impact.
Revenue - The money generated from normal business operations
Availability - The quality of being able to be used or obtained
Customer Satisfaction - A measurement that determines how happy customers are with a company's products, services, and capabilities
MTBF (Mean time between failures) - The predicted elapsed time between inherent failures of a mechanical or electronic system during normal system operation. MTBF can be calculated as the arithmetic mean (average) time between failures of a system.
NPS (Net Promoter Score) - A customer loyalty and satisfaction measurement taken by asking customers how likely they are to recommend your product or service to others on a scale of 0-10
OEE (Overall equipment effectiveness) - It identifies the percentage of manufacturing time that is truly productive.

Set the default Group filters that your entire organization will be able to see and use when filtering their Revs. If you want to learn more, click here.

Create and manage Teams across your organization, assign a Team Leader to manage the Team, view Revs, Activities, and Impact by Team.
Available only in Web for Administrators (Champions)
Go to Settings and select "Teams"
Create your Team Name
Select one Team Leader
Save changes

When you create an organization in Rever, one of the first steps is that the Organization Administrator selects the Global Currency. Changing Global Currency after the initial selection is not possible.
If you are in an Enterprise plan, you can add Multi-Currency and select unique currencies for different sites. Using Multi-Currency will allow your teams to use their local currency while creating a Rev.
When working with Multi-Currency, you can set the exchange rates as needed. To set the exchange rate, you will select the exchange rate as it relates to the selected Global Currency.
For example, if the Global Currency of your organization is in USD, and you want to set the exchange rate for a particular site is using MXN. You need to take the price of 1 unit of the Global currency and convert it into the value of one country's currency in relation to another currency.
e.g. Each US$1 will be exchanged for MXN$21

If your company uses SSO to login to Rever, you can add the domains to access in this section.

Integrate Rever's built-in Webhooks with your internal systems and get the most out of the data generated in your organization.

API Keys
Create a new API Key to access Rever using our API without the need of using personal access tokens. Refer to our documentation for help.
Rever Docs Link:

For any questions, contact us:
Updated on: 26/04/2024
Thank you!