Articles on: Best Practices

Recognition Best Practices

Recognition Best Practices

Activities to build a Recognition Program

Recognizing your employees is critical as you launch your operational excellence initiative.

There are some tips that we can share with you according to the Recognition program:

What to recognize

Recognize your people based on:

Teams performance, you can track the performance of Revs, Routines, and Findings and recognize the Team with better activity
Revs completed
Financial impact (Savings)

How to recognize

Simple & Frequent

Simple and frequent recognition of accomplishments and contributions during weekly or daily meetings shows coaches and employees' appreciation
º Set up a day where employees & coaches can display their ideas and share them with coworkers
º Invite leadership to provide the recognition
º Recognize during monthly or quarterly meetings
Document the recognition in a high traffic area with a Recognition Board

Types of recognition

Gift an experience rather than something that is material. For example, a meal with the family.
Vacation days
A meal with leadership
Points to change in the vending machine
Roast beef kit
You know your people... Be creative

Updated on: 02/05/2024

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