Articles on: Rever Administration

Attributes (Tags)

Attributes (Tags)

What are Attributes?

Attributes and Tags are used to help organize your users into virtual teams. Typically Attributes and Tags closely follow a typical organization structure. Attributes (Tags) are more flexible than a typical organization structure as users and Revs can have multiple Attributes (Tags) assigned to themselves.

At Rever, we classify Attributes (Tags) as follows:

Location Attributes (Business Unit, Country and Site)
Area Attributes (Areas, Product or Other)

Attributes facilitate the filtering of Revs, Challenges, and users that are tagged to a specific area.

In your profile, you can find your Attributes and also edit them. By default, each Rev assumes the Attributes (Tags) of the Rev author, however, these can be easily adjusted within each Rev.

To edit your personal Attributes (Tags) please click here to learn more:

Updated on: 26/04/2024

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