Broadcast messages with Rever
Broadcast messages with Rever
Maintain communication with your teams
Nowadays, we need to move fast and make sure that our messages are delivered and received effectively.
Don’t invest time to develop your communication mechanics; with Rever, you can broadcast the messages to your team and track the delivery.
Just provide us the following information:
Target (Email, site, or area)
Channel (email or Rever platform)
Send date
The subject line and content
Sender and signature
Image (optional)
We will send your message during the next working 24 hours or at the date you decide after this time. On-demand we can provide you insights about delivering your message; for example, we can let you know how many people opened your message.
Please contact us if you want to learn more about it or help build your first message.
Updated on: 25/04/2024
Thank you!