Articles on: Rever Administration

Manage Users as a Coach

**Manage Users as a Coach**

How to manage users as a Coach

As a Coach, you can add Users from the People section of the Rever Web. Please follow the steps below:
Go to your Settings
Select the "People" section

The actions you can perform include:

Add new users - Click on the blue button
Find users - Tap the search bar
Check their Status (Joined, Created, or Pending)*

Status of Users:
​Created - New Users (Not joined Rever yet)
Joined - Users already have access to the platform
Pending - Password reset
Removed - Users inactive (deleted marked in gray)

Add Users:


Tap the main blue button "+"
Select Manually

Set up: Select the attributes of the Users (Localization and Tags/Areas)
- Business Unit
- Country
- Site
- Tags (Areas)
- Team

Temporary Password:
Any new user added to the platform should have a temporary password that will expire after 72 hours. An automatic email is sent to the user with the link to Rever platform, including the temporary password. Once the user logs in with this password, they should set up a new one to access it.
If the user has no real corporate email should be created with the employee ID (Example: As they do not have a real email should be informed by you about the temporary password.

The password you set up will be assigned to all users for their first login, it expires after 3 days.

User Information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Job Title Optional
- Email
- You can continue adding more users "+ Add another" with the same tags
- Add/Send the invitation to join Rever
- The User will receive a welcome email

Note: If you need a user with specific permissions or roles please contact your Admin.

In Bulk

Now you can create users from a CSV file by importing and creating them quickly and easily.

How to do it?
Tap the main blue button "+"
Select In bulk
Add multiple users at once, first download the template. All users you put in the template must belong to a single site, team, and share the same tags.

* Set up.
Select the tags of the Users (Localization and Tags/Areas)
Business Unit
Tags (Areas)

* Temporary Password.

Any new user added to the platform should have a temporary password that will expire after 72 hours. An automatic email is sent to the user with the link to Rever platform, including the temporary password. Once the user logs in with this password, they should set up a new one to access it.
If the user has no real corporate email should be created with the employee ID (Example: As they do not have a real email should be informed by you about the temporary password.

The password you set up will be assigned to all users for their first login, it expires after 3 days.

* File specifications:
The file is in .csv (Only supported format)
Download it and open it in the same format (.csv)
- First Name
- Last Name
- Position
- Email
Columns marked with asterisks are required
Once filled with the data of all the users to upload, please save it in the same .csv format
You can create as many files for different tags or sites as you want

Example of the file to upload users in bulk
Note: If you need a user with specific permissions or roles please contact your Admin.

Drop or browse the file to upload

Need Review: If you are missing something from the file we will let you know where the errors are. You can also edit them from the same view to facilitate the corrections in order to continue uploading them.

The below examples are missing the correct emails of the users (public emails are not allowed)
Also, you need to set up the temporary passwords for all those new users.

Ready to upload:

All the users that are correctly loaded in the file will be ready in this view so that you can visualize them before proceeding to the final step.

Once completed you will be redirected to the same action in case you want to add more files for different sites or tags with more users.

Updated on: 25/04/2024

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