Release Notes (Changelog)
Sept 09th - Sept 15th
Sept 02nd - Sept 08th
Aug 26th - Sept 01st
Aug 19th - Aug 25th
Aug 12th - Aug 18th
Aug 05th - Aug 11th
July 29th - Aug 4th
July 22th - July 28th
July 15th - July 21st
July 08th - July 14th
July 1st - July 07th
No releases
June 24th - June 30th
No releases
June 17th - June 23th
June 10th - June 16th
June 03rd - June 09th
May 27th - June 02nd
May 20th - May 26th
May 13th - May 19th
May 06th - May 12th
April 29nd - May 05th
Description | Issue Type |
In the routine definition detail dialog, the user site was displayed instead of the site where the routine definition had been created | Bug Fix |
As you navigate the platform, the browser title is updated so that you can view your browsing history such as Rever - "Home" or each of the sections you were visited. | Improvement |
Improvement for Microsoft Power Point Add-Inn, new layout included with this additional information fields; 1. Completion Date: display the date the rev was marked as completed, 2. Implementation Date: capture when the rev was implemented, 3. Impact Validation Date: reflect when the impact of the rev was validated, 4. Categories: A new text that lists the relevant categories associated with the rev, 5. Photos: The import must display all available photos uploaded to the rev in both Problem / Solution | Improvement |
Improvement for Rever in Microsoft Teams: Enhance the visibility and experience of consuming your content created in Rever. Enable the creation of a tab with customized content according to your needs, which can be shared publicly. | Improvement |
Sept 02nd - Sept 08th
Description | Issue Type |
Improvements to the platform's tables of contents: Explore, Team activity, Routine executions and Findings. Custom column selections within these sections will remain selected even when the page is reloaded. This only works for the current session and browser. If you log out or log in to a different browser, the default columns will be displayed. | Improvement |
Aug 26th - Sept 01st
Description | Issue Type |
Organization admins can now remove any "recognition" posted by any user at organization level | Improvement |
The number of items shown to users in all tables on the platform has been standardized. By default, they are now shown 20, but they also have the option to request 20, 50, or 100. Previously, the options were usually 5, 20, 50. | Improvement |
Aug 19th - Aug 25th
Description | Issue Type |
Improvement in data infrastructure for downloadable insight reports that positively impacts capacity aspects: larger reports can be generated, and better response times | Improvement |
Routines improvements for the organization admins of the platform: now, when entering the Routines section they will be able to view by default all those Routines created by themselves, routines of their site, assigned to them, to their teams and the global ones. Also, a new filter called "All" was implemented with all the Routines of the Organization. | Improvement |
Aug 12th - Aug 18th
Description | Issue Type |
Bug fixed when trying to link a Rev to a challenge in the mobile app | Bug Fix |
Bug fixed when a user has been assigned to a Routine to its Site or Team and wants to start an execution | Bug Fix |
Aug 05th - Aug 11th
Description | Issue Type |
Fixed an issue when downloading Insights Reports in Revs Overview, Improvement Idea, Quick Action, Problem Solving and Non Validated Impacts | Bug Fix |
July 29th - Aug 4th
Description | Issue Type |
Routines enhancement: Our existing Routine main section has a fresh, with a new layout that enhances your experience making it easier than ever to access all the Routines by cards and filters to obtain more accurate results. In the creation of a Routine you will be able now to assign entire Sites and/or Teams. As a new feature you will also can add other Routine Managers as collaborators so they can edit the Routine anytime. A new and more friendly view of your Routines and their information | Improvement |
Improvement in the Routines displayed in the Home of Mobile app, now only the Routines assigned to me are displayed | Improvement |
Improvement in the Routines filters, we've added a new filter "Created in" to get results of Routines created in a specific Site | Improvement |
July 22th - July 28th
Description | Issue Type |
Bug fixed in the Routines displayed in the Home where some Routines appeared that did not belong to the user | Bug Fix |
July 15th - July 21st
Description | Issue Type |
Bug fixed for the assigned field in the creation of Findings, the asterisk that indicated a mandatory field was removed and it became optional | Bug Fix |
Bug fixed for the Insights reports that remained in the original language in which they were generated even though the user changed their language settings, now if it changes the language the report is recalculated to be presented in the correct one | Bug Fix |
New fields added in the creation of Revs in Microsoft Teams, all the fields not required; now you can complete a Rev (Quick Action, Improvement Idea, and Problem Solving) in the same way as it is on the Web, with all its fields. In addition, the Like, Highlight and Approve buttons were included, as Challenges and Priority on the side bar | Improvement |
Improvement in the Tasks cards in mobile and web app, the due date will not be shown if the task has status completed | Improvement |
July 08th - July 14th
Description | Issue Type |
Rever for Microsoft Teams now supports adding images and attachments when creating Revs | New Release |
Fix for the error when entering to the Tasks section and if a task had a due date of yesterday, today or tomorrow, no task was loaded in the page | Bug Fix |
July 1st - July 07th
No releases
June 24th - June 30th
No releases
June 17th - June 23th
Description | Issue Type |
Bug fixed for login issues in the mobile app with Microsoft Access button | Bug Fix |
Fix for the the Routine reminder bug that continues to send email and push notifications after the routine has been deleted. | Bug Fix |
June 10th - June 16th
Description | Issue Type |
Improvement to select yourself as the assignee when creating a new Task | Improvement |
A new way to get your "Approved" Revs within your downloadable Insights reports is in Revs Overview, Quick Actions, and Problem Solving. New columns were added to identify those Revs that were marked with the "Approved" label. Approved - Approved by - Approved By Email - Approved Date | Improvement |
June 03rd - June 09th
Description | Issue Type |
Rever in MS Teams, you can now create Revs from the Microsoft application without having to go Rever web. In addition to the view mode, you can now create and edit Revs | New Release |
Bug fixed in the report download error in insights that did not allow downloading .xlsx files in Revs Overview, Quick Actions, Improvement Idea, and Problem Solving | Bug Fix |
A web navigation error was fixed; if you were in Routines and changed sections before the page loaded correctly, it returned you to Routines | Bug Fix |
Fixed a bug in the assignee selector pop-over that suddenly went out of place; it is now positioned correctly | Bug Fix |
The "status" column was added to the Tasks table on the web for a better visibility | Improvement |
The long name of "Tags" has been updated for UI to avoid any breaks in lables | Bug Fix |
The UI of the responses in the Revs has been corrected about some words that were too long were leaving the container; it is now corrected | Bug Fix |
In the current assignee selector, inactive users were filtered when selecting a Team | Bug Fix |
The advanced assignee selector search is now pinned when scrolling; it remains so as not to lose sight of it | Improvement |
May 27th - June 02nd
Description | Issue Type |
New “Executed in Site” column in the downloadable Insights "Routines" reports, as well as in the Routine Executions views in the Web Routines section | Enhancement |
Fixed a bug in the mobile application that caused executing Routines from the Home section were not redirecting to the Checklist tab as default | Bug fix |
Fixed a bug in the mobile application of the Routine list for the download message that causes a glitch in the bottom of the scroll down | Bug fix |
May 20th - May 26th
Description | Issue Type |
Fixed a bug in the mobile application that caused executing Routines from the Home section to give an error | Bug fix |
May 13th - May 19th
Description | Issue Type |
Internal update of the mobile application to version 3.21.4 where the new support chat mechanism is supported | Improvement |
Improvement in the Routines filter in Insight's report: now it shows more elements (Routine names) in the Routine name filter, and if you select some routines belonging to a Site, it does not lose visibility of the Routines they have previously selected | Improvement |
In the Explore section, if a you selected a custom filter, navigated to another place (selecting content), and later returned with the back button of their browser, the platform added the site filter even if it was not included in the previously selected custom filter. Now, we make sure only to add the Site filter when you visits Explore without having previously selected any other filter | Bug Fix |
When you execute a Routine, you will now have the option to choose the tags for each execution; you can select all of them with a "Select all"; in case you have configured preset tags, the list of selectable tags will be limited to those preset tags when you execute or edit your Routine | Improvement |
May 06th - May 12th
Description | Issue Type |
New tabs added to the "Non Validated Impacts" Insight report called "Rev details". A better way to know the details of the Rev that includes: Everything about the Rev and collaborators; Status: Not requested, Requested, Canceled; Details of date, user/email, and assignee/email of what was requested | New Release |
April 29nd - May 05th
Description | Issue Type |
Rever for Teams: Your Revs within Microsoft Teams with easy access to its functionalities. You can conveniently explore all your Revs via the Explore section and receive timely notifications. This streamlined approach enhances collaboration and empowers teams to leverage data visualization tools effortlessly. Microsoft Teams for Rever | New Release |
Fix for the Zulu language: When this language was selected the mobile app crashes | Bug Fix |
Fix for the Routines view on the web: When a user tries to query the executions of Routines in the "Site" option those executions take a long time to show the results | Bug Fix |
Improvement on the Routines Insights Report: The way to consult the information was modified, again the first filter by default is the Site, with the user's Site. So can show the Routines of that Site in the following selector | Improvement |
Updated on: 12/09/2024
Thank you!