Articles on: Rever Administration

Validations (Implementation and Impact Validation)

Validations (Implementation and Impact Validation)

What can I find in this article?
Impact Validation

A complete section dedicated to the Implementations and Impact Validations with two sub-sections that will facilitate the search and approval of Revs pending implementation and validation.

Implementation: In this sub-section, you will see all those Revs pending to be implemented, meaning completed Revs that need to be implemented by the Coach assigned to the Rev.

Impact Validation: Here, you will see all the Revs that the coach has already implemented with captured impacts and requested to have those impacts validated; Impact validators can easily detect and initiate validation.


Sub-section dedicated mainly to Coaches who are assigned to Revs that have already been completed. All the Revs created in your Organization need the support of a Coach who can help with the Rev process and also implement it once it has been completed by the author and the members of the Rev. Here, we show you all the Revs that have already been implemented, also, those with pending implementation and an option where you can view those where you are the Coach. You can just visualize them with a quick view and validate one or more quickly.

What is the Implementation of Revs?

It's mainly the authorization of the Rev's Coach that it has been correctly completed and implemented for the Organization.

Who can be a Coach?

Any Rever user in your organization authorized by your Site administrators. Regularly, Coaches are supervisors, floor managers, general and area managers, chief staff, etc. If you want this permission as Coach, please ask your superiors directly.

Implementation section on the Web (Validations)

Easy search! Use the below filters for better results:
Not Implemented
Role: "I'm Coach"
Site Groups
Tags Groups

Rev's information in the table:
Type (Corrección, Idea de Mejora, Resolución de Problemas)
Mark as Implemented: Once you've detected the Rev(s) you want to implement, click the rocket icon in the "Mark as Implemented" column to start the quick implementation; a new view will open with the essential information of that Rev, and the button to Mark it as Implemented.

Impact Validation

We know the importance of each Rev generated for the organization; the impact validators have an essential role so they are the ones in charge of validating the Revs that generate savings impacts. A new and improved section where you will find all those Revs that need your attention to be validated is ready for you.

What is Impact Validation?

It's the analysis and approval given to a Rev with impact values captured to have a more accurate and real amount of what is generating the idea implemented by metrics value and investment.

Who can be an Impact Validator?

Any person authorized by the admin of the Organization. It could be one or more users from the finance area or any other area previously defined for this role.

How can I activate this role?

The admins in your organization are the authorized users to grant you this role. Please get in touch with them directly.

I am an Impact validator, and I want to start with the validation of Revs

The Rev should be implemented by the Coach
Once the Coach has implemented and approved the Rev, the author, participants or the coach can request the Impact Validation
The request could be directed to a specific validator's email or could be without selecting any validator

Impact Validation from the Rev

The Impact Validators can start the Implementation also from the Rev; inside the Rev go to the Checkmark icon at the left top corner and click.

Impacts Validation section on the Web

This is the sub-section where all the Revs with validated and non-validated impacts are located; If you are an Impact Validator, you can start with the validations.

Rev's information in the table:

Rev's name
Type (Quick Action, Improvement Idea, Problem Solving)
Requested on
Requested by
Validate: Start the validation by clicking on the "Check mark" of the Rev

Remember, the request for impact validations is made by the Coach, Author, or collaborators of the Rev once it has been completed; This validation can be requested directly from a specific Impact Validator, or it can be sent generally, so anyone with this role can authorize this validation. It doesn't matter that it is assigned to a validator, as other validators can also validate it.

Validation view

In the first part of this view, you will find the most outstanding data of the Rev, such as the title, the name of the assigned Impact Validator, who requested the validation, the requested date, and direct access to the Rev.

On the left side, you will see the impacts captured by the members of the Rev.

Your action is required on the right side; here, you will see exactly the data the Rev's team captured in an editable version, so you can look over, change or modify that information if you need to. The "Total Impacts" field is mandatory; once you have analyzed the estimated impacts captured by the Rev participants.

How to calculate the total impact of the Rev?
A key aspect of validating the Rev involves calculating the values captured and confirming their accuracy. This process can be adjusted based on the validator's criteria.
Initially, the "Time frame of Impact for this Rev" needs to be assessed, followed by reviewing the number of impacts listed in the "Breakdown by impact type" and the frequency of each. If the Rev's impact period is one year and each impact occurs monthly, all impacts should be summed and multiplied by 12 to obtain the "Total impact of the Rev."
*These calculations are subject to the individual validator’s discretion and must be performed manually. All impacts have different types of measurements, they are not always monetary, therefore this field is filled in according to your organization's internal calculations, for example time values, weight, volume, etc. according to the type of impact.

* You will validate and calculate the official financial impacts in this field and the period that this impact will be valid within the organization.

You can add more impact or investment metrics if necessary.

Once you finish the validation, click on the "Validate" button to complete it.

If you want to reject the validation because some data is missing or for any other reason, click on "Reject validation," add comments, mention, and tag the person(s) of the Rev to let them know. These comments will be saved in the Comments section of the Rev.

* | If you have the role of Impact Validator and want to start validations, please go to the web version. Only available on the Web.

Updated on: 05/02/2025

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