Improvement Idea Rev
What is the PDCA Cycle?
At Rever, your ideas have a lot of value and should not be part of a suggestion box. The PDCA cycle allows you to carry out your Revs through a flow that facilitates the development of your ideas to turn them into actions.

The key is to know the problem.
Problem + Idea + Expected Result
The first stage consists of 3 questions that will help you to set the scene of the problem to solve.
What is the problem?
What is the idea?
What is the expected result?
There is no better way to know if something works than trying.
Test your idea
Once your problem is resolved, it is time to do a small test to validate your idea. Yes, we talk about taking action! Some tips:
The experiment should be simple and should not take much time or resources. If it is something manual, you can try with temporary materials or make a very simple prototype. If it is a change to a process, you can test it a couple of times.
If you need help doing this experiment, ask for it! Remember that you should always have a coach who can help you put your idea to the test.
The moment of the truth.
In this stage, you will answer a simple question: Was the expected result obtained?
Maybe your experiment has been a success, or it may also happen that it does not work as you expected. Do not worry; the important thing is to be very honest about the outcome of your test.
The real value of your idea.
At this stage, the questions will depend on the outcome of your experiment but will allow you to make a valuable conclusion.
If your experiment failed, the question to answer would be What did you learn? Remember that the most important thing to making mistakes is to learn from our mistakes and share this learning with others.
If your experiment has worked, you will have to answer two questions:
What is the permanent solution? Your experiment was just a test, remember? Now it is time to indicate what must be the permanent solution that solves the initial problem.
Where else can it be implemented? If your solution is right, it can probably be applied elsewhere; this indicates where others can benefit from your innovation.
This stage closes the cycle by helping you identify your idea's impact on you, your team, and the company. Through three questions, you can determine whether your idea saves time, improves processes, increases your organization's security, or makes customers happy.
How to create an Improvement Idea on the Web?
Click on the main blue button " + Create"
Select Improvement Idea
Give your Rev a title and create it

Choose your team. Click and select the team that will participate in your Rev. Select a Coach (required) that will be your guide and up to five employees (optional)

Plan. Describe the problem, explain your Rev, and what are your expected results, add evidence with up to 5 photos and the categories applied

Do. Create an easy experiment or test of your idea with a few resources that are available to you. Add evidence with up to 5 photos

Check. Did the experiment work?

Adjust. Describe the permanent solution of your idea, and add up to 5 photos.
Mark as Completed once done.

Validation. It's time to evaluate your Rev's benefits, impacts, and investment. Capture the solution's impact on your problem or opportunity. What costs were avoided by solving it?
Time frame of Impact for this Rev: Capture the period of time in which your Rev will be effective. By default, we show you a period of a year. You can change it!
Impact: You can add different metrics that will impact your Rev. There are two types of metrics, Reduction and Increment, both with the unit of measure and the recurrence. Add as many options as you think are adapted to your idea. Click here to learn more about Impact Metrics
Investment: Please calculate and add the investment of your Rev; it could be Financial and/or Time
Other/How did you estimate the benefits?: Here you can explain how you measure and calculate these benefits and add any other comments to complement your Rev
In this final step, you will find the Implementation button deactivated; this means your Coach needs to review your Rev and Implemented
You can capture your Impacts before requesting the Implementation
We can highly recommend capturing the Impacts of your Rev so your company has a clear view of your inputs

Final step. You did it, Congratulations! Your Rev is now in Completed status, and your Impacts have been captured; it's time for your Coach to Implement it.
The Implementation is the approval that the coach assigned to your Rev grants once you, the author, or the members finalize the Rev. It is located in the Validation section, under the "Mark as implemented" button.

Request Impact Validation
All the impacts captured should be approved by the Impact Validators who have an essential role in validating the Revs that generate savings impacts.
Once the Rev is completed and Implemented by the Coach, it can be sent for Impact Validation Approval by the author, coach, or collaborators.
Request it in the Review section, and click the button "Request Impact Validation."

You can select an Impact Validator as optional.

Impact Validation
The Impact Validators have an essential role and are the ones in charge of validating the Revs that generate savings impacts.
If you have an Impact Validator role, please go to the Validations section and identify the Rev you want to validate to start the validation process.
How to create an Improvement Idea in the Mobile app?
Log in. Sign in using your company email or using a third-party auth service. If you don't have one, you can log in with
Also, your Coach can help you log in
Create Rev. Click on the orange "+" button
Take evidence. Give your idea a title, take up to 5 photos, or do it from your gallery.
You can edit your photos with emojis and text or highlight any part of the image

Select a Coach. Select a Coach (required) that will be your guide in your Rev
Choose your team. Click and select the team that will participate with you

Plan: Describe the problem, explain your Rev, and what are your expected results
Do: Create an easy experiment or test of your idea with a few resources that are available to you. Add evidence with up to 5 photos
Check: Take pictures of the results of your experiment
Indicate whether your experiment was successful by selecting "Yes" or "No"
Adjust: Describe the permanent solution of your Rev, and add up to 5 photos.
Mark it as Completed so your assigned Coach can implement it and approve it
Validation: It's time to evaluate your Rev's benefits, impacts, and investment. Capture the impact of the solution for your problem or opportunity. What were the avoided costs achieved by solving it?
Time period: Capture the period of time in which your Rev will be effective. By default, we show you a period of a year. You can change it!
Impact: You can add different metrics that will impact your Rev. There are two types of metrics, Reduction, and Increment, both with the unit of measure and the recurrence. Add as many options as you think are adapted to your idea. Click here to learn more about Impact Metrics.
Investment: Please calculate and add the investment of your Rev; it could be Financial and/or Time.
Other/How did you estimate the benefits?: Here you can explain how you measure and calculate these benefits and add any other comments to complement your Rev.

Final step. You did it! Congratulations. Now, when your Coach marks it as Implemented, you can request the validation of the impacts on the last step, "Request validation Impacts." One authorized user can validate it, or you can request it directly from your preferred Impact validator.
Create an Improvement Idea using Offline mode
Sometimes the Wi-Fi connectivity is limited inside our sites. In Rever, you can create your Improvement Ideas or Quick Action Revs using our offline mode. Don't stop unleashing your creative potential!
Sign in while you are in an online mood; then, you can create your Rev while offline. When you go on offline mode, a message will appear letting you know that you are in this mode.
The Rev will be visible to your team when you are online again and you have synchronized the content. The yellow circle will give you visibility of the loading process of your Rev. If the content is not loaded correctly, a red circle will appear; by clicking on this, you can try to upload your content again.
You must ensure that your Rev's content is synchronized with the servers before logging out. Otherwise, the information will be lost.
Note: offline mode doesn't yet support likes, comments, shares, notes, profiles, and settings. It also doesn't support the creation of Challenges and Problem-Solving Revs.

Updated on: 22/04/2024
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