Articles on: Insights & Reports

Insights: Routines Overview

Everything about a summary of Routines created with their Executions and Findings in one place. The difference between the Routine Report and Routines Overview is that here you can see a summary of the Routines in a more centralized way by activity and a breakdown by execution by Site.

Steps to access
Access the Insights section

Select the Overview Routines report

Choose the dates you want

You have the option to filter your Routines by Routine Type:

5s Audit


Gemba Walk

Quality Control


Important notes:

Pick a specific day or a date range. after your selection is made, click on the new apply selection button to filter your report

Select more options such as Tags, Site Groups, countries, and Tag Groups in the plus button

E.g. To see the full organization, please remove all the filters

E.g. To see all the Sites of a Site Group, please select the Site Group and remove the other filtres

Find the total "Executions" during the chosen period in the selected Routine.

Routines Assignee: All Users who participate in the Routine's Executions


Completed Routines

Routines in Progress

Findings found

Findings Completed

Here is a summary of the Routines Execution

Site name

Average time to complete

Findings created

Findings Completed

Updated on: 02/05/2024

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