Insights & Reports
Download Reports
Download reports in a .xlsx file from the Insights sections Insights allow you to analyze, visualize and obtain the information and content captured by your organization in one place; in addition to charts, graphics, and total data numbers, you can download reports in Excel files (.xlsx) for specific periods and filters; You decide the period to filter and the location tags. The raw data download provides you with all the detailed information about your organization in Rever so that you can uSome readersDownload Reports in Essentials accounts
The Revs can provide insights about our operation, to get this data, we can download a report in .csv format. Click on "Download Report." Select the Report you want to download. The file will download. Use your report.Few readersInsights: Intelligent Dashboards
Insights are Rever’s reporting and data analytics features. Insights aims to provide you with real-time, data-driven information that allows you and your organization to build an operational excellence / lean manufacturing / continuous improvement culture. In order to achieve this, the following components will be integrated into the new performance measures: Trends. Provide time series data analysis that compares your data to previous time periods to display new and emerging trends within yoFew readers