Insights/Reports: Revs Overview
Revs Overview
Insights Overview allows you to analyze the information of your organization's three types of Revs, Challenges, and Users in a very general way, with concrete and specific data on the activity within a certain period. Filter and play with the information provided from data on specific dates, print those views, or download reports for analysis.
Follow these steps to access:
Go to the Insights section
Select "Revs Overview" report
Choose the timeframe (dates) you want to see
Select the localization of the Revs
Important notes:
Pick a specific day or a date range, after your selection is made, click on the new apply selection button to filter your report
Select the localization options: Site, Tags, Site Groups, Countries, and Tag Groups in the plus button
E.g. To see the full organization, please remove all the filters
E.g. To see all the Sites of a Site Group, please select the Site Group and remove the other filtres
Content information for the downloadable report is updated approximately every 6 hours
Revs Breakdown
The breakdown data shows you the activity with the three Revs flow, and all the content related to those Revs in a simple and clear analysis of the total creations within the period selected.

Revs Created: This section shows the number of Quick Actions, Improvement Ideas, and Problem Solving, including the total Revs created during the period selected.
Revs Completed: All the number of Quick Actions, Improvement Ideas, and Problem Solving, including the total Revs completed during the period selected. Please note that there may be Revs created before the selected date but completed within the period.
Rev Creation by Date: This chart shows the trend in the creation of Revs through time during the selected period.
Rev Completion by Date: This chart shows how the trend in the completion of Revs through time during the selected period.
Revs by Category: This donut chart shows you the total Revs created during the selected period of time by Category of Impact.
Revs by Status: Donut chart of the total Revs created during the selected period of time by their Status.
Average days to complete a Rev: In this section, you can see the average time that your organization is taking to complete each type of Rev as well as the average time to close all Revs.
Challenges Breakdown
If you want to know a total summary of Challenges created in the chosen period, this is your place, analyze the information and review the data.

Active Challenges: This data shows how many challenges have been active during the selected time period. That means that the challenges could have started before the selected time period.
Revs Created in Challenges: This section shows how many Revs have been linked to Challenges during the selected time period.
Participating Users: In this section, you can see how many people are participating in the Revs of Challenges created during the selected time period.
Average Completion Days: This helps you understand what is the average duration of Challenges in your organization during the selected time period.
Challenges by Category: Shown as a donut chart, it helps you see what is the category of the impact of the active challenges of the selected time period.
Challenges by Status: This donut chart helps you see what is the status of the active challenges of the selected time period.
Users Breakdown
Visualize and review a summary of the Users registered, logged, and active on the platform.

Registered Users: The total number of registered users in Rever. We do not count on deleted ones.
Logged Users: This is the total accumulated users that have joined by the end of the selected time period. This allows you to understand how many users have already logged in to the platform.
Active Users: This is the total number of users (All roles) participating in Revs created during the selected period regardless of their location.
Active Coaches: This is the total number of coaches participating in Revs created during the selected period.
Download a report
You can export an Excel file containing a summary of the Revs generated in your organization during the selected period and location.
Please click on the Export button to obtain an .xlsx file

The downloadable (.xlsx) reports for Revs Overview, Quick Actions, Improvement Ideas, and Problem Solving now contain two tabs:
Created Revs: All the Revs Created during the selected date.
Completed Revs: All the Revs Completed in the selected date. May contain Revs created before the date chosen for the report but completed within that date.
Below is the list of report columns for both tabs with their definition of content:
Rev Type → Improvement Idea, Quick Action or Problem Solving
Rev Id → Identity number of the idea, this ID will not be modified even if it changes the title or any field of the idea
Rev Name→ This is the title of the idea
Link to Rev → If you want to review the idea, click on the link
Country → To which Country is the Rev related
Site → To which Site is the Rev related
Tags → Main Areas, Product, or Others related to the Rev
Tags Group → Group to which a tag belongs
Site Group → Group to which a site belongs
Rev Status → The current status of the idea
Author Email
Owner Email
Coach Email
Collaborators email
Points → This column shows you the number of points that the idea has accumulated up to the time of the report. (It may vary depending on the organization)
Categories → These are the categories selected on the Rev (Relate)
Priority → If the Rev has been selected as High, Medium, or Low priority
Challenge → If the Rev is part of a challenge, this column will tell you which one. If it is empty, it is because the Rev does not belong to any of the existing challenges.
Link to Challenge
Problem → Description of the Problem
Solution → Solution of the Problem
Comments → Comments added to the Rev
Highlighted Rev → If the Coach has been marked this Rev as Highlighted
Validated Rev → If the Coach has been validated this Rev
Impact Validated Rev → If the Financial Coach has been validated financially this Rev
Creation Date → Creation date of the Rev
Completion Date → When the Rev was completed
Modified Dated → The last time the Rev modified
Validation Date
Impact Validated Date
If you have any questions about any of these fields or would like assistance to analyze the information of these reports, do not hesitate to send us a message and we will gladly help you.
Updated on: 07/12/2024
Thank you!