Insights/Reports: Validated Impacts
Find all the impacts already validated in the Revs generated for specific periods within your Organization.
We know how important it's for you to obtain the results of the Impact and Investment data captured and generated in the Revs created; The Validated Impacts report shows you all that information that the Impact Validators of your Organization previously validated.
Follow these simple steps to get the information you want:
Choose the location filters for your report
Select the start and end date you want to view (Remember, all data information will be presented within those dates)

Important notes:
Pick a specific day or a date range. after your selection is made, click on the new apply selection button to filter your report
Select more options such as Tags, Site Groups, countries, and Tag Groups in the plus button
E.g. To see the full organization, please remove all the filters
E.g. To see all the Sites of a Site Group, please select the Site Group and remove the other filtres
Validated Impacts
Validated Impacts refer to the data that has been recorded by users in the Revs and is currently located in the Rev Review stage. Impact Validators authorized and confirmed this data, ensuring its accuracy and reliability.
Note: All impacts for each Rev have a start and end date in the Review stage of the Rev.
Within this section, you can review the total sum of validated impacts during the time period selected for the report. This includes Revs with both fully and partially validated impacts within the same period.
Revs entirely within the chosen time frame: These are all the Revs with a full impact date within the period selected to be reviewed.
Example: The impact capture date in a Rev started on January 01, 2023 and ended on December 31, 2023, but I am viewing the report with dates from January 01, 2023 to January 31, 2024; the validated impacts of that Rev are completely in within the time frame selected.
Revs partially within the time frame: Here are the Revs that also have validated impacts but are not entirely within the chosen frame on the dates of the report, only partially.
Example: If there is a Rev with a start date of January 01, 2023, and end date of December 31, 2023, but the report selected is from February 01, 2023 to February 01, 2024, only the impacts of that Rev will be counted from of February 01, 2023, and one month would be outside the framework, that is, January 2023 would be outside the framework; that month of difference is countable since the dates of the report are after that date but part of the Rev if it enters the period. Suppose that this Rev has $365 Dlls in the period that the user chose and has a month outside the range selected in the report; then one month is equivalent to $31 Dlls, since, in calculations, it's $1 dll per day, and there are 365 days from January 01, 2023 to December 31, 2023, remember that the report is being displayed from February 01, 2023 to February 01, 2024, the month of January 2023 remains with $31 Dlls that are not countable in the partial time frime shown.

The Validated Impacts graph provides a visual representation of the same data. Revs that fall entirely within the selected time frame are displayed in green, while those that only partially overlap with the period are shown in blue.
The gray lines outside the blue range represent revenue cycles with validated impacts that extend beyond the selected period, either before or after it.
Breakdown by Rev Type
If you want to visualize the impacts by Type of Rev (Quick Actions, Improvement Ideas, Problem Solving) you are in the right place! Here is a summary with the most outstanding data:
Rev Type
Total Revs
Impact fully within the time frame
Impact partially within the time frame
Total impact

Breakdown by Metrics and Investment
Visualize the total amount of Revs per Metric and Investment captured in the Revs.

Revs Impact by Date Chart
In this graph, you will be able to visualize the trend of the Validated Impacts of the period that you have selected.

Breakdown by Category
We know that the categories captured in the impacts of the Revs are essential; in this table and chart, you will be able to see which ones were selected most frequently.

Downloadable and printable reports
All the information is available in the downloadable reports and a printable version. The actionable buttons to download or print the report are in the upper right corner.
These are the data in the three sheets you will find in the downloadable report in .xlsx.
Sheet 1: Total Impact by Rev
Rev Name
Link to Rev
Rev type
Start Impact period
End Impact period
Total Impact

Sheet 2: Impacts by Metric
Rev Name
Link to Rev
Rev type
Start Impact period
End Impact period
Note: If the Rev has more than one metric selected, each metric will appear on a separate line, one below the other.

Sheet 3: Investment
Rev Name
Link to Rev
Rev type
Start Impact period
End Impact period

Download a report
You can export an Excel file containing a summary of the Validated impacts in your organization during the selected period and location.

Learn how to follow the report download process at this link
We know how important it's for you to obtain the results of the Impact and Investment data captured and generated in the Revs created; The Validated Impacts report shows you all that information that the Impact Validators of your Organization previously validated.
Follow these simple steps to get the information you want:
Choose the location filters for your report
Select the start and end date you want to view (Remember, all data information will be presented within those dates)

Important notes:
Pick a specific day or a date range. after your selection is made, click on the new apply selection button to filter your report
Select more options such as Tags, Site Groups, countries, and Tag Groups in the plus button
E.g. To see the full organization, please remove all the filters
E.g. To see all the Sites of a Site Group, please select the Site Group and remove the other filtres
Validated Impacts
Validated Impacts refer to the data that has been recorded by users in the Revs and is currently located in the Rev Review stage. Impact Validators authorized and confirmed this data, ensuring its accuracy and reliability.
Note: All impacts for each Rev have a start and end date in the Review stage of the Rev.
Within this section, you can review the total sum of validated impacts during the time period selected for the report. This includes Revs with both fully and partially validated impacts within the same period.
Revs entirely within the chosen time frame: These are all the Revs with a full impact date within the period selected to be reviewed.
Example: The impact capture date in a Rev started on January 01, 2023 and ended on December 31, 2023, but I am viewing the report with dates from January 01, 2023 to January 31, 2024; the validated impacts of that Rev are completely in within the time frame selected.
Revs partially within the time frame: Here are the Revs that also have validated impacts but are not entirely within the chosen frame on the dates of the report, only partially.
Example: If there is a Rev with a start date of January 01, 2023, and end date of December 31, 2023, but the report selected is from February 01, 2023 to February 01, 2024, only the impacts of that Rev will be counted from of February 01, 2023, and one month would be outside the framework, that is, January 2023 would be outside the framework; that month of difference is countable since the dates of the report are after that date but part of the Rev if it enters the period. Suppose that this Rev has $365 Dlls in the period that the user chose and has a month outside the range selected in the report; then one month is equivalent to $31 Dlls, since, in calculations, it's $1 dll per day, and there are 365 days from January 01, 2023 to December 31, 2023, remember that the report is being displayed from February 01, 2023 to February 01, 2024, the month of January 2023 remains with $31 Dlls that are not countable in the partial time frime shown.

The Validated Impacts graph provides a visual representation of the same data. Revs that fall entirely within the selected time frame are displayed in green, while those that only partially overlap with the period are shown in blue.
The gray lines outside the blue range represent revenue cycles with validated impacts that extend beyond the selected period, either before or after it.
Breakdown by Rev Type
If you want to visualize the impacts by Type of Rev (Quick Actions, Improvement Ideas, Problem Solving) you are in the right place! Here is a summary with the most outstanding data:
Rev Type
Total Revs
Impact fully within the time frame
Impact partially within the time frame
Total impact

Breakdown by Metrics and Investment
Visualize the total amount of Revs per Metric and Investment captured in the Revs.

Revs Impact by Date Chart
In this graph, you will be able to visualize the trend of the Validated Impacts of the period that you have selected.

Breakdown by Category
We know that the categories captured in the impacts of the Revs are essential; in this table and chart, you will be able to see which ones were selected most frequently.

Downloadable and printable reports
All the information is available in the downloadable reports and a printable version. The actionable buttons to download or print the report are in the upper right corner.
These are the data in the three sheets you will find in the downloadable report in .xlsx.
Sheet 1: Total Impact by Rev
Rev Name
Link to Rev
Rev type
Start Impact period
End Impact period
Total Impact

Sheet 2: Impacts by Metric
Rev Name
Link to Rev
Rev type
Start Impact period
End Impact period
Note: If the Rev has more than one metric selected, each metric will appear on a separate line, one below the other.

Sheet 3: Investment
Rev Name
Link to Rev
Rev type
Start Impact period
End Impact period

Download a report
You can export an Excel file containing a summary of the Validated impacts in your organization during the selected period and location.

Learn how to follow the report download process at this link
Updated on: 14/10/2024
Thank you!