Learn what challenges are and what to do if you want to participate in them.
What can you find in this article?
What is a Challenge?
Create a Challenge
Edit, Share, or Delete a Challenge
Add a Rev to a Challenge
Participate in a Challenge
What is a Challenge?
Challenges are helpful in aligning all members of the company to focus on a specific problem, focusing on strategic priorities, and engaging the support of everyone within the team. Only Admins and Coaches can launch Challenges.
We recommend launching Challenges every month to ensure that all Users are aware of goals and how their work directly contributes to business success.
Here are some Challenge examples:
Identify unsafe conditions in your work area to reduce health and safety incidents by 10%
Increase customer satisfaction by 5% during the first quarter of the year
Reduce water consumption during the stage of cooling by 20%
Create a Challenge
Go to the main menu button and select "Challenges"

Define the Challenge attributes; these are already predetermined and are inherited from your profile attributes; you can change them if you want.
Name your Challenge.

Select the category your Challenge belongs to.

Choose the start date and set a duration period.
If your Challenge aligns with a KPI or company goal, add it under KPI.

Describe the details of the Challenge in the Description
In "Rewards," you can describe any applicable prizes that apply to your Challenge.
Finally, click on create. Your Challenge will now be visible on the Site where you launched it and any user on that Site may create Revs for that Challenge.

Click on Challenge in the main menu
Select the "Challenge" option
Fill in all the categories and click on Create

Edit, Share, or Delete a Challenge
Open your Challenge
Click on the pencil icon if you want to edit your Challenge
Click on the main menu if you want to share or remove the Challenge
Note: You cannot delete a Challenge if it contains Revs. First, you need to delete the related Revs.


*This option is only available in the Web version.
Open your Challenge
Click on the main menu
Select Edit or Delete the Rev

Add a Rev to a Challenge
Open your Rev
Click on the pencil icon to edit
Go to the "About" section
Click on "Add Challenge"
Select the challenge
Click "Save"

Click on the Rev
Access to the main menu
Press "About"
Choose the "Challenge" option and select the challenge you want
Click "Save"

Participate in a Challenge
If you create a Rev that can apply to any of your organization's active Challenges, follow these steps.
Go to the Challenges section
Select an active Challenge
Click on the "Create" button
Select the Rev you want to create, Improvement Idea, Quick Action, or Problem Solving.
Start with your Rev creation

Go to the main menu of the app and select the search icon
Click on "Challenges"
Tap "Add new Rev"
Select Quick Action or Improvement Idea
Start creating your Rev, which automatically will be linked to the selected Challenge

Updated on: 26/04/2024
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