Articles on: Insights & Reports

Insights: Intelligent Dashboards

Insights are Rever’s reporting and data analytics features. Insights aims to provide you with real-time, data-driven information that allows you and your organization to build an operational excellence / lean manufacturing / continuous improvement culture. In order to achieve this, the following components will be integrated into the new performance measures:

Trends. Provide time series data analysis that compares your data to previous time periods to display new and emerging trends within your organization.

Artificial Intelligence. Propose real-time, machine-generated solutions that can be implemented to improve your operations.

Calls to Action. Suggest simple actions to a user to increase the performance of the organization such as reimplementing or validating a Rev, or capturing the financial impact for greater impact.

In other words, Rever insights will allow you to take small and direct actions that impact performance based on their performance and data results.

How to access it?

Go to the “Insights” section

Select the Report you want to see

You have the option to use filters by Groups

Filter by a variety of attributes to get to the insights you care about. It can be a Business Unit, Country, Site, and Tags

Select the time frame for the results you want

All the Reports contain different information related

Some reports have the option to download reports in excel or print views


Insights Reports available

Click on the below intelligent dashboards available in Insights to get more information:

Revs Overview

Validated Impacts

Non Validated Impacts

Routines Overview


Quick Actions

Improvement Ideas

Problem Solving

Users Activity in Revs




Updated on: 02/05/2024

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