Articles on: Insights & Reports

Insights: Routines Track Results (Insights & Reports)

Everything you need to know about the Routines created with their Executions and Findings in one place. Review the activity, the general summary, types, and status of the Findings, download Excel reports with detailed information so that you can play and filter the data, etc. All the information will help you analyze the results obtained.

Routine Insights

How often and who has completed the Routine

Findings status for that Routine

Findings Insights

Findings Completed

Pending and Overdue Findings

Insights Perspective

Checklist data and results

Steps to access:

Access the Insights section

Select the Routines report

Choose the dates you want

Select the Routine

Check the data

Print or download the Excel report available

Routine Activity
You will find the total "Executions" during the chosen period in the selected Routine.

Routines Assignee: Users who participate in the Routine's executions


Completed Routines

Routines in Progress

Findings found

Findings Completed

Breakdown by Site Execution

An easy way to view all the Executions and their information. You can click on each of them to go to it.

Breakdown Findings

These donut charts will show you all the Findings in the selected Routine:

Findings by Status

Findings by Type of Solution

Findings by Situation Type

Findings by Priority

Findings by Category

Findings by Tag

Overdue Findings

Here are all the Findings that already expired from the Routine; click, review, and take action.

Download a report

You can export an Excel file containing a summary of the Routine and Findings during the selected period and location.

Updated on: 02/05/2024

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