Activate teams across your organization and empower team leaders to drive performance in their teams
What can you find in this article?
Creating a Team
Teams in Web
Managing a Team in Web
Teams in the Mobile app
Insights: Teams
Teams come in formal organizations, temporary groups, and adhoc tiger teams. Rever’s Teams feature allows you to activate teams across your organization, empower team leaders to drive performance in their teams, and report on team activities.
Activate teams to track their contributions and recognize their impact on performance
Manage virtual or official teams of individuals from across your organization
Empower supervisors and managers to drive activities within their teams
Create and manage Teams across your organization
Assign a Team Leader to manage the Team
Visualize Activity by Team (Revs, Findings, and Routines)
Team Insights Report
Creating a Team
**Available only in Web for Administrators (Org and Site admins)**
Go to the Teams section
Select the "+" button to create a new team
Add the Team Name
Give a description
Select one or more Leaders for the Team
Add the members who will be part of the Team
Save changes
You can edit Teams any time
Important: Teams will be created under your Site by default, the users shown are for your Site only. If you want to create a Team at Organization Level (for all the Sites), please active the switch option "Global Team," this can include users from all the Organization.

Teams in Web
Three subsections that will help you to identify your Teams easily:
My Teams
Lead by me
All teams

If you click on a Team, you can see all the information and activity related:

Team's information
Name of the Team
Team Leaders
Members of the Team
Weekly Activity
Find the activity of the team seven days ago from today with all the Revs created.
Improvement Idea
Quick Action
Problem Solving
Total Revs
Alert messages linked to the Insights section to see the activity of all the Team members

Team Activity
All the activities created or involved with the team's members, play and filter the options to show more information by selecting the columns. Click on them to go to the actions.

Managing a Team on the Web
Managing a team as Team Leader includes adding and removing team members; it does not include creating new teams or changing the team name.
Select the main menu on the Team (Vertical three points)
_Edit:__ Available for Team Leaders_
_Remove and edit: For Administrators (Including editing the title)_

Teams in the Mobile app
In the Mobile app
All team members have access to a section called My Teams in the main menu. Find all your Teams and select the one you want to visualize. Teams cannot be created in the mobile version (Only in web).

Weekly Summary: Find the activity of the team seven days ago from today with all the Revs created.
º Improvement Idea
º Quick Action
º Problem Solving
º Total Revs
Activity Breakdown: You have access to every member of the team and their activity of the last week. (Total Revs, In Progress, Completed, and Challenges)

Routines: Find all the Routines related to your Team

Findings: Here you can see all the Findings created by your Team, linked to the Routines.

Revs: If your Team creates Revs from scratch or from a Finding you will see those Revs in this place.

View and edit My Team in the mobile app
If you are the Team Lead or an admin please click on the button "View Members"

Insights: Teams
View all the activity created from your Teams in one place. Review the information related to each of the Teams built on the platform, so you can take action or just review the data.
Learn more here
Updated on: 29/04/2024
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